Incredible India

'Incredible India' campaign has won World Travel Award for the year 2009.Now isn't that something to feel elated about. I mean I understand we have much serious issues still dangling over our heads, in our overly populous and poverty stricken country and have a long way to go but doesn't this give a confidence of an improving, growing India.
Well "Incredible India" was an initiative started by Government of India, way back in year 2002, with an effort towards reviving tourism industry, when it was hit by a slump.Attack on World Trade Center, the war on Afghanistan and the attack on the Indian Parliament had hit it badly then.It was Amitabh Kant, the former joint secretary in the ministry of tourism, who realized that India still gave a mixed and confused picture to any foreign visitor.So he along with his colleagues came up with this idea of branding India as Incredible.The work was not over by just making few videos.It had just begun.Apart from a meaningful and a powerful print and video campaign they needed to swing a sleeping giant, the tourism department just like any government department known usually for its lethargy and red-tapism into action.They needed to fulfill and live up to the expectations of the brand created.So speed,dynamism and flexibility became their new mantra.

Prior to this campaign, India was usually mis-represented as land of snake charmers and cows.This branding gave it a new face.The major attraction of India lies in its diversity and rich heritage.But the true charm of India can only be discovered and experienced by traveling it far and wide.And this could become an experience of lifetime only if the travel is guided properly.All this is what "Incredible India" campaign tapped.

These small duration video clips which are are usually flashed on our television screens, during commercial breaks end with a nice tag line "Atulya Bharat" or "Athithi Devo Bhava" which click the chord somewhere.This publicity campaign is done by Wieden & Kennedy.These videos are so simple yet attractive.They depict the rich heritage of India along with its new dynamic, modern face.You really feel a sense of pride after watching any of these videos.It covers  everything from Indian culture to its values,from beautiful geographical locations to ancient monuments,from age old traditions to our peculiarities.They manage to convey a picture of colorful and a vibrant India.
Leaving you with this video so that you feel good to be a part of this incredible nation:-)


Sitara said…
"Badaltey Bharat ki pehchaan"... India has definitely come a long way to becoming a country to invite tourists. I was quite impressed with the mobile connectivity during one of my recent trips to the Himalayas. The basic services at the camps were also good.

A proud Indian!

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