The real sons of soil

We are born, we live and then one day we die.As we grow up we amongst all shades of love, develop some for our motherland. Few of us carry it ahead and allow it to evolve into a sense of service for the nation. These few men, give up on thought about themselves and take up duty towards many of us. Their life, joy, youth is dedicated towards this nation. They are the real heroes many a times unsung, but they never really care. They know they are the sons of this soil. And its them who actually pay the real debt of being born on this land.

It moistens your eyes to see how the rigours of their hard, disciplined training moulds their innocent youth into hard,tough,unattached soldiers serving with just one desire - to serve the nation. In this world where we mostly have men whose lives are spend tending and attending to the needs of just one family, that is theirs and you can see them sometimes getting bogged down by it, but on the other hand there are these men who tend to so many families and yet they smile when you shake their hand. They leave the welfare of their own family to look after so many of our families. They ensure you live peacefully while they guard our borders or fight for us when our security is threatened. They are awake while we sleep in peace.

Most of us, many a times, evaluate and re-evaluate what financial gains our work fetches us, these brave men serve us selflessly without bothering of recognition. The tough climate of Siachin, the burning desert of Thar they are there everywhere bearing it all for us. Their sweat and blood which drips on this soil even the mother earth doesn't complain as she is filled with pride and joy , because these drops are filled with so much of love for her.

So next time you meet one of them, shake their hand, don't miss to salute them and do wish for their safety, quietly in your heart.


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