
Showing posts from January, 2010

O' Friend

O' dear friend of mine, you are like that sunshine; who fills my little life, with some warmth and light; making it a delight, with some sugar and spice; those little moments of life, that we shared together; all those funny, silly jokes, and those colloquium of thoughts; that laughter and its echoes, those tears, that flowed in silence; when you are gone i would want, your memories to be afloat; near me and all around, all words and every sound; because i don't want to loose, the treasure i have found; so what do you think of me, and this little poem of mine; will you miss my words, when i have flown like bird; to the world far beyond, to find answers of my mind; O friend i believe , your dreams will come alive; you will see the flowers bloom, from little seeds, very soon; that you sowed in the hearts, of people from all walks; so never loose your heart, believe in what you start; cheer your little sel...


Emailing has become an integral part of our lives.We communicate with our colleagues, friends and family using this wonderful invention.From our regular updates to any formal communication we use it incessantly. But have we ever wondered what will happen to our inbox and all our mails after we die.Yes we all know and understand death is an inevitable truth of our lives.So what will happen to all the bank statements lying in our inbox or any sensitive, important data our kith and kin may need in our absence.And sometimes we save that first email from someone special.Won't it be a good idea to let the person know how we felt about him/her after we die. Well I am relieved to find out that most of the popular email providers and networking sites do have a policy regarding this.Our next kin will get access to our account once he/she submits all the necessary documents to the providers that prove him/her to be our kin.More details can be found on respective provider's suppo...