
Eclipse is when three celestial bodies fall in one staright line while moving in their own trajectories.The term is mostly associated with Solar or Lunar eclipse that can be viewed from earth.Lunar eclipse can be seen from anywhere in the world whereas a Solar eclipse can be viewed from only certain parts of the world. So when the sun, moon and the earth fall in one line, one of the most interesting cosmic phenomenon occurs which is known as eclipse. In India, eclipse is greeted differently.It is considred to be a bad omen.It is supposed to bring misfortunes like wars,floods or some personal bad luck,etc etc.Now amongst some of the things that are done as a customary in India during the eclipse are food is neither eaten nor cooked.All food cooked before eclipse is thrown away.People take a dip in water bodies and chant mantras to ward of the evil effects of eclipse.Pregnant women are not supposed to go out during eclipse.And as soon as it is over people take bath again, clean their k...