
Showing posts from November, 2008

Music And Lyrics

Music and Lyrics is one of the movies, one should watch.It depicts how two people with different opinions about life and talented in their own ways come together to create a successful song.The movie illustrates this with a romantic touch. And by the end of the movie you know, how for a song melody and lyrics are equally important.Its a story where Alex (Hugh Grant) who is a pop star meets Sophie (Drew Barrymore) , a former English literature university major. They get together to write a song for Corra (Haley Bennet).The best part of the movie is the song they compose together. Alex believes for a song to be popular needs melody and is good at creating it, whereas Sophie believes that lyrics are the soul of a song and are important to a song. Together they combine their talents to create a beautiful song..."Way back into Love" which is worth listening once. Happy Listening...!!

RSA Security Token

When I saw an RSA Security Token for the first time, I wondered how this small device could ensure enhanced security.I had read about financial institutions using it but didn't exactly know how it works. The token generates a 6 digit number every min or 30 seconds , on pressing a button and all you need to do is key this passcode along with your password like: new password= password + token passcode This form of authentication is known as 2FA i.e. two factor authentication. Now, I kept on wondering, how the server will know this new password as passcode was generated randomly based on an algorithm. The alogorithm in the token basically takes the current time and seed to generate the passcode. The server side also knows the current time and the seed and hence can generate the same passcode and hence be able to authenticate the user. Now the problem could occur if the time of the server and token is not synchronized.Hence the server opens a 3 minute window and accepts time + ...