
Natural Face Spray

Along with a regular face pack and face scrub regime, I have added a face spray to my daily skin care routine. I have found this miracle product - a natural face spray with  Rosewater and Glycerine. I use it daily and within a week of use I see remarkable difference on my face. The wrinkles around my eyes have gone and dark circles have vanished. Skin looks so refreshed and youthful. I love it!!

Natural Face Scrub

Now my face needs a scrub. And I started searching for a natural options. This is what I found on the Apsara Skin Care blog. Another simple, natural, 3 ingredients face pack with Vitamin E Oil, Brown Sugar and Olive Oil. Here is the proportion: 1 tsp of Vitamin Oil 1/4 cup of Brown Sugar 1/2 cup of Olive Oil After mixing all ingredients, rub it on your face for 2-3 mins and then wash it off with warm water. My face had a glow. This scrub removed the dead cells. I am impressed yet again!

Natural Face Pack

All my life I have been using regular face packs readily available in drug stores and online store. The results are great but a slight problem. They contain a lot of chemicals that may not harm you right away but slow exposure to some of these carcinogens can impact your health. Some of us may live longer with no health issues but for some of us exposure to these chemicals can cause some gene mutations and that could lead to some serious health issues. Hence since last few years of my life I have been doing my by best to remove exposure to chemicals from my day to day life. That includes perfume, deodorants, make up stuff and hair dyes.Of all these I miss the hair dye the most because I loved experimenting with my hair color. Also miss my Channel perfume, I simply loved its subtle but intriguing fragrance. Past few days my face was looking dull and full of wrinkles. So I missed my face packs and face peels. I was online searching for some natural options when I bumped into Apsara sk...

Yard Work

Yesterday I did some yard work. Was very rewarding. Started by loosening the soil, taking out weeds and then trimming the trees. I also mowed the grass first time. It wasn't bad. I think I did a good job. The yard looks amazing. All cleaned up and beautiful.

Technical Interview Screen

Which is better - singly linked list or doubly linked list? What are the pros and cons of using each? In a Singly Linked List each node has pointer just to the next node and hence can be traversed  in only one direction whereas in a Doubly Linked List, each node has pointers to both previous and next nodes , hence can be traversed in both directions.While this kind of traversal makes deletion of nodes easier from a doubly linked list , because we now don’t have to traverse from head and keep track of previous node but it consumes more memory since it now has to store two pointers as compared to one in case of Singly Linked List. function remove_node_singlyLinkedList(head, node)    tempnode = head    while (tempnode->next != node)        tempnode = tempnode->next    tempnode->next = node->next end function          Time Complexity - O(...

Windows Azure

Windows Azure is the Microsoft's Cloud Computing platform that enables hosting of applications on cloud without being bothered about adding new clusters to enhance their scalability in future.I like the ease with which a web app can be deployed/published to a cloud.MS makes it so simple and developer friendly! Here is a great presentation by Scott Guthrie,

Cloud Drives

Yesterday, I got Sky Drive and Google Drive clients installed on my laptop and things look pretty cool ! I now have 2 GB (Drop Box) + 5 GB (Google Drive) + 7 GB (Sky Drive) = 14 GB of could storage That means anywhere I go, I can access my source code, photos, videos, audio, docs.